Book your cheap IDTGV trains for France travel in Autumn now

If you are planning an Europe trip by trains, you should know by now that trains ticket around Europe are normally open for booking 3 months before the start of each season every year. If you haven’t known that, check it out from my planning guide on Europe tour transportation. So now is the time to start booking your domestic trains within Europe if you are visiting Europe in this Autumn.

For trains travel between French cities, such as the popular route between Paris and Nice or Paris to Bordeaux, iDTGV would be a good choice for fast and cheap train transportation. And what’s more, for trains travel in this Autumn, between 15th September and 8th December 2012, tickets are now open for booking!

A new line of train service started nearly a year ago, iDTGV provide a totally different way of traveling especially for travelers. The advantages of this new train include:

  • Plan and prepare your travel in and around France quickly and easily with its 100% online booking service. You don’t have to check and browse for the cheapest route from one city to another. The price is from €19 (€15 for night train) throughout the 6 months period for any route to any destinations in France.
  • An advantage to non-EU travelers, there would be no more waiting in queues, to collect your booked tickets from the station, or wait anxiously for your tickets to be delivered to your country of residence. With iDTGV, travelers from around the world can buy your ticket online and print it out at home!
  • Book to experience either one of the 3 environment provided. Carriages are grouped into 3 zones, iDZen for quiet environment mainly to relax, iDZap for travelers who love to have fun on travel and able to talk, laugh loudly, and iDNight is sleeping coach.
  • Peace of mind when you travel! Once you have scanned your ticket using the optical reader on boarding the train, you’ll not have any more ticket checks during your journey. No inspections at your seat or when you move around the train.
  • Discover new onboard services. You can choose from a range of original tastes, gourmet products and a variety of menu choices and options from the bar onboard. Sample the new catering menu at a light price at the Bar, or directly in your iDZAP carriage thanks to our mobile sales staff.

If you wish to spend your Autumn in and around Paris this year, start planning your Europe tour itinerary and book your iDTGV trains now to benefit from its extra low fares! Read more from the official iDTGV website now. 🙂 Travel Feeder, your ultimate photo travel guide to Europe

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