Lake Lucerne and Mount Rigi travel snapshot

A snapshot on the beautiful Lake Lucerne and Mount Rigi. I took this travel photo while riding a boat similar with the one shown in the photo. Measuring about 114m² in overall area, Lake Lucerne is the fourth largest lake in Switzerland which stretches from the city of Lucerne into the surrounding mountain.

Lake Lucerne and Mount Rigi

Whenever you visit Lucerne, the small but arguably the most beautiful city in Switzerland, Lake Lucerne is the ‘Must-Explore’ feature. One of the ways to explore the lake is to join a boat tour for a round trip on the large lake, and stop at either Mount Rigi or Pilatus for a magnificent view over the Alps and the city.

This was what I did when I visited Lucerne a couple of years ago. We took a boat ride in the lake and stopped half way to ascend the Mount Rigi. In the picture above, you can see Weggis town at the foot of Mount Rigi. The spread of houses on the mountain caught my attention and the only word popped up in my mind is “Wow”.

With the combination features found around Lake Lucerne and Mount Rigi, I have no reservation to recommend a holiday to Lucerne. I’m glad to have chosen Lucerne as my first stop in Switzerland. The fantastic first impression it had given me made the followed up trips to other cities of Switzerland full of expectation and imagination. Off course, Switzerland had not disappointed me at all!

Have you been to Lucerne lately? – Travel Feeder

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