My New Travel Wish List of Year 2011

I was preparing my new year wish list when I saw these breaking news over my TV last night. I stopped writing…

While Europe, America, and China  are facing unprecedented heavy snow storm in many areas that halted the air and ground public transportation, Australia Queensland is facing homeless threat from the devastated flood attack that covered an area as large as the size of France and German combined. I still remembered Australian were fighting the record high 40°C heat wave just a while ago. When heard about all these natural disasters that happened every next week these years, what question would first pop up in your mind? “What happen to our earth?”

Our earth is sick, and it’s getting sicker! Thanks to our human contribution in polluting our earth and damaging our environment, the world weather has changed drastically, where Summer is getting hotter and hotter, and Winter is getting colder and colder. What if the whole world floods, covered under thick snow, of damaged under devastating forest fire? All world heritage site as inscribed by UNESCO would be disappeared!

…. then I added a paragraph in my Wish List page…

… a paragraph that highlighted in red colour font and bold…


… is to have a safe world to live in, a safe world to travel around, visiting historic heritage architectures, taking plentiful of photos with my Nikon D7000. Without a safe world and healthy earth, what other wishes would I bother?

Anyway, I still hope for the best. So I eventually completed my Year 2011 Wish List last night. You may take a look. Let’s see what could I achieve this year…

The bottom line? Start being itchy footed and go travel before the end of this world! :)Travel Feeder, your ultimate photo travel blog

One Response
  1. Kizie travel

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