Tips on how to find the best holiday deals

It is easy when you know how to find the best holiday deals. You can even get great package deals; just go through a company that won’t slap on extra charges or throw in extra costs at late stages. Finding the best holiday deals is all about knowing where to go, at what time of year and who to book it through.

Find what ever you’re looking for, be it family holiday, a weekend away with friends or a romantic break for two and find it at the best prices just by following a few tips.

Holidays will always be the most expensive when everyone else is going away, so why not organise your holiday outside the conventional holiday periods?

how to find the best holiday deals

The summer holiday is an obvious hook and hotels, airlines and other transport will raise their prices in this period. If you can, why not take your holiday early or late in the season and you will not only be able to get cheap holidays but also avoid the crowds of tourists that abound in these periods.

Easter is another season to avoid, many people will want to go away for the Easter weekend, but cheap holidays are a lot easier to organise if you happen to go before or after that rush period. Try to organise a break at a less conventional time and you may find it easier than you think to organise. No more vying with colleagues for holidays from work; no more struggling to get that last booking in the hotel and no more paying well over the odds just in order to get that flight right in the middle of the holiday period. Hotels and airlines want to get more business in the quieter times so they will lower their prices for that purpose.

Of course it’s not just about when you go away but also where you travel to.

The popular holiday destinations will, of course, be the most expensive, so maybe don’t go there at the peak times. There are so many cheap holidays to be found elsewhere though, if you just know where to look. Why not try a week in Turkey, a destination not over populated with tourists but a place that offers a unique and diverse experience. Turkey offers a wide range; it houses areas of significant historical and mythological interest, unique and delicious cuisine and a prime water sports area, situated, as it is, just off the Aegean Sea.

Or for a real cultural experience why not travel to Asia? India or Nepal might not be the first holiday destination that comes to mind but it offers amazing diversity and, once you are there, the place is very low cost, with so many items available there at a fraction of their cost back home. India offers various beach resorts, beautiful weather and a holiday that promises to be the experience of a life time. And you can get this at a fraction of the cost that it would be in a more frequented holiday destination.

It is often easiest to organise cheap holidays by planning far in advance.

Prices go up the closer you draw to the time of the holiday so, the more organised you are, the less your holiday will cost. Plan for the right times and the right places, look at various destinations and dates you may not have otherwise considered and you may find it surprisingly easy to find the cheap holidays you want. :)Travel Feeder, your ultimate photo travel blog

  1. karolina
  2. Arnold M. Wilson
  3. India Travel

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