Top 5 Tips to lower your budget in Italy travel

Italy undoubtedly is one of the most popular travel destinations in Europe. It is the fifth most visited country around the world. Its rich cultural and historical features with the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites to date (totally 44 of them)  that inherited from different period of time, has won Italy over 40 million international arrivals each year. Unfortunately, traveling to Italy is always like a dream comes true for most of us who have limited budget for travel.

Reasons contributed to this costly visit inlcude its strong Euros, high tourist demands and high local living standard. But don’t let them stop you from visiting Italy! there are still ways to cut the overall travel cost to Italy down to a level that could fit into your available budget. These are 5 tips that may help you through your Italy travel planning and budgeting:

Domestic train station

    1. Spend more days in each city of Italy. Traveling to your dream country for the 1st time need lengthy and well ahead plan. Plan longer period for the whole trip and spend more days in each day. Your average daily budget would be much lower since transportation cost plays the biggest role in Italy travel. You will have more time instead to explore further into Venice, Florence or Rome. Don’t be so ambitious as you can’t have both worlds at one time!

Al Picchio

    1. You will be able to find cheaper deal and nicer authentic local street food, by staying more days in each city! Best discovery always comes last.  I always found the best value food on my last day on any travel but could only hope to stay longer. With that in mind, You need to decide what would be your maximum period available for Italy travel, and your maximum allowable budget. Strive a balance in between to achieve a lower daily budget.
    2. Book all your local transportation and accommodations well ahead as soon as like 3 months in advance. Domestic train online booking can only be done 3 months before traveling day. So book at least 3 months ahead especially in peak season to grab the cheapest possible fares. Most likely local transport will determine your period of stay in that city of Italy. So, confirm your domestic trip before booking your accommodations. Following the above steps, you are very near and on the right track to achieve an average daily budget of 150Euro, by rule of thumbs.
    3. Book entrance pass and travel pass online. The longer you stay in a city, the cheaper you would get to travel around city. The best example would be Roma Pass which costs 25Euro but covers 3 days unlimited travel pass and 2 entrance passes, which carries extreme value!


  1. The last tips to fit the Italy travel cost into your budget is saving one meal for the another meal. After deducting all costs of transportation and accommodation, and also those expensive entrance fees, with your budget, you will know how much you could spend on each meal. An average meal in Italy costs 12Euro. If you have only budgeted 10Euro on each meal, save your lunch with 5Euro pizza plus Coke and you will have 15Euro to spend for an authentic dinner with a cup of cappuccino!

Hope these will help you to plan immediately your next travel to my favorite country of Italy.:)Travel Feeder, your ultimate photo travel blog

Italy, ah, what a beautiful place. Beautiful food, beautiful scenery, beautiful life – everything is just wonderful. Now, all you need to add to that wonderfulness is a great trip budget or a cheap vacation. Like Travel Feeder suggests, plan ahead and map it out. So, what are you waiting for? Go be brilliant in Italy! Happy Travels to you from Reader’s Digest!

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  1. The World Roamer

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