Top 5 Tips to Travel Safe and Healthy in Europe

Don’t get me wrong. Traveling within Europe is generally safe and fun. You should be able to enjoy every second of your travel in Europe. But unlucky things do happen somehow, somewhere, if you are unlucky. Any unwanted incidence happened, even though minor, could ruin your whole trip.

Precautions are always better than cure. A 4-words Chinese idiom says, ZuoAnSiWei (坐安思危) which means you should always think and prepare for any unforseen  circumstances even though you are in a very safe environment. So some precaution measures against safety and health issues on travel should also be practiced, just to ensure a fun travel with absolutely peace of mind.

Among the top 5 safety and healthy tips are:

Drinking Fountain

  1. Tap water in big cities of Europe is generally potable and safe to drink. Especially when you travel to London or Rome, free drinkable public spring water fountains are found everywhere. However, some suburb’s hostel might not be the same. Or biologically, your body might not fit for those tap water although they are clean. You don’t want to keep looking for public toilet (where it will cost you a bomb) because of fast stomach! In order to be safe, buy some bottled waters (which is cheap when you buy it from supermarket) to drink along with tap water.
  2. Avoid walking alone in the dark or walking into those local crowds on the street around night spot. After too much of alcohol, teenagers or young people, especially in London and Paris, can be very aggressive  and lead to violence! In general, bars and pubs are not a place where alcohol causes these problems in Europe but it can end up being a big problem on the roads. I personally saw some young Londoners broke glasses of a train station while holding bottles of beers and challenged me for a fight!
  3. Don’t trust your luck when things are too good to be true. Tourists scams are found in major tourist destination. It could be free ride, free gifts, free photo taking or free help on offer, but eventually it is not free. Some con-men might approach you and tell you are the lucky winner of grand prizes or so, which are always sounds too good to believe. Don’t ever think it is your lucky day! Traveling is a hobby of enjoying spending money, not hoping to get money or gifts! Just walk away without talking to these people.
  4. Pickpockets and snatch-and-run thieves are common in those tourists packed cities. European cities are no exception. Though they are unarmed, be cautious when caught in crowded spots such as underground stations, markets or travel sites. Carry your day bag in front of you for instance can make you less vulnerable in snatch thieves’ eyes. Valuable items such as passports and air tickets should be kept in your hotel safe lockers.
  5. Bring along some medicine with prescription from your local pharmacist. Basic medicine for common sickness such as flu, diarrhoea, and fever are useful when consultancy fees in Europe are extremely expensive. You should also pack some Handyplast medical plasters, just in case you cut yourself or your new shoes cut your heel.

These are the 5 safety and healthy tips in Europe travel. If you are traveling to Europe with your mobile photo, type 112 in any of the EU countris for emegency. Buying a travel insurance policy from dedicated travel insurance company such as Travel Insurance UK, could further peace your mind for enjoying your Europe travel. Even though some countries do provide free emergency care for visitors, travel insurance policy could cover follow-up treatment and repatriation, if necessary. – Travel Feeder, the ultimate travel photo blog

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  1. Rick

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