Travel – The Inspiration Behind My Blogging Journey

First let’s turn back in time to about 2 years ago when I started blogging travel. I started to write stories of my travel experience and also articles on many travel tips and guides. Because of my great interest in blogging travel, I started to travel more, and more. To further enrich the contents of my travel blog, I’m getting passionate to travel more to other countries.

Thanks to all the supports from readers all over the world, my travel blog has gradually gained some popularity and more and more bodies are sponsoring me and motivate me to keep adding useful contents to this travel blog. Money were also coming in. With this income, I can now thinking of traveling to some my favourite countries such as planning a New Zealand holidays in the short future!

I can’t live without travel now. My mind is flying even though my feet are still set on my home ground. So what am I missing out on if I did not travel and had never wanted to? Here are the reaction chained consequences:

  1. I would never know the world out there is so much fun, full of fascinating experiences and full of photography opportunities. Holidays to Asia and tour to Europe can both open up your eyes as well as your mind;
  2. I would not pick up the hobby of photography. I lost most of the breathtaking scenes in other parts of the world and I will never inspired by taking the same scenes here over and over and over again! Without knowing the world out there is so huge, you will never like to shoot.
  3. I would miss out on those unforgettable travel experiences and I would not have much stories and photos to share on my blog!
  4. Then I will ask myself this question repeatedly everyday: “What else can I write or share on my blog?” Eventually, I would give up blogging all together! and then
  5. I will ever never think of traveling, photographing, blogging and I’m going to lose all my incomes in blogging travel! 🙂

If I don’t travel at all, I don’t even exist here. Nobody will know Cecil Lee. Nobody will share all these to you… 🙂 – Travel Feeder.

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